Comentariu preluat - 2014-07-20 06:58:19 - Vezi comentariul
AVION BOEING MALAEZIAN DOBORAT cu o racheta la granita UCRAINEI cu Rusia, in reg...
Vechea intrebare "Cui prodest?" Cui foloseste? e cheia. Evident nu Rusiei. Iata un comentariu ce mi se pare pertinent: We know nothing from the missile firing location or manufacturer: these are standard false-flag operations. What we know is that MH17 was put there at that time by the US. Rememb...
AVION BOEING MALAEZIAN DOBORAT cu o racheta la granita UCRAINEI cu Rusia, in reg...
Vechea intrebare "Cui prodest?" Cui foloseste? e cheia. Evident nu Rusiei. Iata un comentariu ce mi se pare pertinent: We know nothing from the missile firing location or manufacturer: these are standard false-flag operations. What we know is that MH17 was put there at that time by the US. Rememb...
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